New or Interested Parents » ECA at a Glance

ECA at a Glance

School Hours: 8:05am -3:00pm 


ECA serves grades Prekindergarten 3 through 3rd grade.


Before Care Hours: 7:00am-8:00am After Care Hours: 3:00pm-6:00pm


Uniform: Logo uniform shirts (t-shirt and polo)and navy bottom

Uniform Ordering Information


ECA offers FREE Breakfast and Lunch


ECA offers affordable Before and After Care($160 for the first child and $20 for each additional sibling living within the same household) 


ECA has 2 teachers in every classroom.


ECA offers After School Instrumental Music Classes for Grades K-3


ECA is a small school on purpose.  We are uniquely designed for the young child. 


       ECA is also Metro accessible (Southern Ave. Metro Station and Buses: A2 &W1)